The Grove's Gymnasium is an incredible tool for offering sporting events, recreational programs, and a gathering space to the Regional Community. Utilize our Gym Calendar to see existing programs, or find a time slot to host your own activity!
A waiver of liability signature is required of all participants before participating in a recreation activity.
The Code of Conduct is a guideline for all Grove guests. Thanks for helping maintain a welcoming, safe, enjoyable place for all!
General Notes:
- Equipment available (or bring your own)
- Waiver signature required
How Much: $5 / time OR
$40 / 10x punch card
Mon 6:30- 8:30p, Tues 9 - 11a,
Thurs 5:30 - 7:30p, Fri 9 - 11a
Host: Mike Ecker
Sign Ups:
General Notes:
- High School or Older
- Equipment and 1 court available
- Waiver signature required
**Minors must have parent present for waiver signature before first time playing (18 and under).
How Much: $1 /person
*Recommended donation, no fee required
When: Tuesdays, 6:30 - 8p
(Feb 4 - March 18, 2025)
Host: Jenn Keller
Sign Ups:
Sign up by 5p each Tuesday HERE.
*Need at least 5 players to host
General Notes:
- Families 5th grade and below; parents must be present
- Equipment available
- Waivers signature required
How Much: $5 / family.
* Recommended donation, no fee required.
When: Sundays, 12:30 - 2:30p
(through April, 2025)
Host: Contact our main office to volunteer as a session host or signup HERE.
Sign Ups: Drop In
General Notes:
- Middle School +
- 16 and under must be accompanied by an adult
- Waivers signature required
**Minors must have parent present for waiver signature before first time playing (18 and under).
How Much: $1 / person.
* Recommended donation, no fee required
When: Sundays, 10:30a - 12:30p (Through April, 2025)
Host: Contact our main office to volunteer as a session host.
Sign Ups: Drop In
General Notes:
- ADA accessible, first floor
- 1 Loop = 1/8 mile
How Much: Free
When: Mon, Tu, Th, Fr, 9a - 4p
Wed, 9a - 12:30p
(During Office Hours)
Host: Welcome Desk Sign In
Sign Ups: Drop In